Tecnología Regenerativa


Consulting Services

The team of Qrem has the expertise and the experience to participate in consulting services for product development.

Qrem can offer a complete service comprising from the product specification (coming from the market needs) to manufacturing the device.

From the very beginning of healthcare technology projects, defining the specifications to be met by a device or laboratory equipment according to the needs to be satisfied, as well as studies from concept to ensure the overall viability of the product.

Among others, Josep M. Escuer and Nuria Noguera have carried out healthcare technology projects in subsectors as: surgical instruments, surgical robotics, surgery equipment, in vitro diagnostic devices, automation laboratory equipment, rehabilitation equipment, etc.

Do you want more information about Qrem Consulting Services?

Qrem’s main capabilities are:

  • Integration of own and other technologies
  • Accessibility to new technologies
  • Compliance with specifications
  • Development of innovative projects with high technological challenges
  • Construction of proof of concept prototypes and testing
  • Management of global integration and mass production
  • Experience in product certification and IP
  • Experience in conducting market studies and business plans

QREM is participating in ADVANCE (CAT) community offering our knowledge of automation and engineering applied to laboratory equipment performing feasibility studies of biological processes automation.

Aquest  projecte està desenvolupat amb el suport d’ACCIÓ (Agència per a la competitivitat de l'empresa; Generalitat de Catalunya) i cofinançat per la Unió Europea en el marc del programa operatiu FEDER (Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional) Catalunya 2014-2020.


Esta actuación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad