Qrem Cytokine
First device that incorporates Lab-in-a-box technology for obtaining Autologous Cytokines Rich Serum (ACRS) from patient’s blood.
Autologous Cytokine Rich Serum (ACRS) is applied for the stimulation and acceleration of the repair of both soft and hard tissues.
Free of drugs
ACRS does not contain drugs, it does not have side effects as it may occur with other treatments that only reduce pain temporarily.
ACRS does not contain drugs, it does not have side effects as it may occur with other treatments that only reduce pain temporarily.
Natural activation
The mechanism of action of ACRS is based on the reduction of joint inflammation and the activation of tissue regeneration through cytokines obtained from patien’s blood. There is no risk of rejection and it can be administered as many times as required, always administered under medical prescription.
The mechanism of action of ACRS is based on the reduction of joint inflammation and the activation of tissue regeneration through cytokines obtained from patien’s blood. There is no risk of rejection and it can be administered as many times as required, always administered under medical prescription.
A step forward in regenerative medicine
ACRS contains cytokines, proteins released by cells, and other natural regeneration activators. Cytokines are being proven to be more efficient than current growth factors and platelet-based therapies. Cytokines are considered to be an efficacy therapy against musculoskeletal and dermatological diseases. Its efficiency is based on the capability of cytokines on driving cells throught regeneration process.
ACRS contains cytokines, proteins released by cells, and other natural regeneration activators. Cytokines are being proven to be more efficient than current growth factors and platelet-based therapies. Cytokines are considered to be an efficacy therapy against musculoskeletal and dermatological diseases. Its efficiency is based on the capability of cytokines on driving cells throught regeneration process.
Lab-in-a-Box technology, quick and safe
ACRS is obtained with the Qrem Cytokine technology. This technology guarantees ACRS sterility and it enables its usage at doctor’s office. The obtention is very fast, doctor will be able to administer ACRS during a first visit.
ACRS is obtained with the Qrem Cytokine technology. This technology guarantees ACRS sterility and it enables its usage at doctor’s office. The obtention is very fast, doctor will be able to administer ACRS during a first visit.
How does Qrem Cytokine work?
Qrem Cytokine is a an innovative technology for obtaining cytokines involved in tissue regeneration. From patient’s own blood, Autologous Cytokine Rich Serum (ACRS) is obtained by means of a patented biological process of ex vivo emulation tissue damage.

It is a closed and automatic technique, consisting of a device (QREM DEVICE) and single-use sterile disposable kit (KIT QREM CYTOKINE). It can be installed in whatever-size doctor’s office, without the need for a special infrastructure requirement or specific trainned personnel. Medical professionals can offer these therapies in their consulting rooms in an easy and affordable manner and thus be able to meet some patients’ needs that are currently unmet.
Qrem Cytokine technology is composed of a few simple steps

Contact with nearest medical center that uses QREM Cytokine
If you are interested in using Qrem Cytokine technology in your consulting room contact us and we will send you more information.
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